Lesser-Known Facts About Turkey
WANA (Mar 22) – Turkey is the only Muslim-majority country that is a member of NATO and hosts 26 U.S. and NATO military bases.
- Turkey was the first Muslim country to recognize Israel in 1948 and establish relations with it.
- During Erdoğan’s tenure, 60 agreements have been signed between Turkey and Israel.
- Israel has two military bases in Turkey—one in Konya and another in Izmir.
- Under a NATO agreement, Israel is allowed to use the İncirlik and Diyarbakır military bases.
- Turkey has the largest volume of trade with Israel compared to other countries, reaching $9 billion in 2022.
- Approximately 500,000 Israeli tourists visit Turkey annually.
- Turkey allows Israeli tourists to enter without a visa, while Palestinians require a visa.
- The world’s second-largest Israeli arms manufacturing facility is located in Turkey.
- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is the only Muslim leader to have received the “Jewish Courage” medal from the Israeli lobby in the U.S.
- He is also the only Muslim president to have visited the tomb of Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement.
- He is the only Muslim president to have visited Israel five times.
- Turkey is the only Muslim-majority country that has legalized same-sex marriage.
- Turkey is the only Muslim-majority country with designated nude beaches.
- There are approximately 20,000 legal brothels (red-light districts) in Turkey.
- Around 300,000 Turkish women work in brothels.
- Turkey generates $4 billion annually from the sex industry.
- There are 265 wine production factories in Turkey.
- Turkey ranks second in the world for the number of imprisoned journalists.
After Yemen closed the Bab al-Mandab Strait and imposed a naval blockade on Israel, Turkey was the first country to supply Israel with all necessary goods and resources via the Mediterranean Sea.
U.S dollar and Turkish lira bills are seen on the flags of Israel and the U.S during a gathering to protest against the Turkish government’s claim of backing the Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) outside of the Turkish Embassy in Tehran, Iran, December 2, 2024. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency)