WANA (Mar 18) – U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio has acknowledged the missile capabilities of Yemen’s Ansarullah (Houthis) while alleging that Iran has provided them with support.


In an interview, Rubio responded to a question about President Donald Trump’s remarks on the Houthis and claims of Iranian backing. He stated, “The Houthis wouldn’t be able to do this without Iran’s help. They have learned how to build these drones and advanced anti-ship UAVs, but this technology comes from somewhere.”


Rubio further claimed that Iran provides financial and intelligence support to the Houthis, saying, “Iran helps them carry out these actions, funds them, and supplies them with targeting information that can be used against us. Without Iran, the Houthis wouldn’t pose such a significant threat. Their threat exists within Yemen, but not to our Navy or commercial shipping.”


Continuing his criticism of Iran, Rubio accused Tehran of being responsible for the ongoing crisis, stating, “Iran created this Frankenstein monster, and now they must be held accountable. As the President has said, if these groups continue their actions, we will hold Iran responsible for creating them.”


He added, “I won’t go beyond what President Trump has said, but he is taking this very seriously. I was with him when he released that message, and unlike Joe Biden, he understands that this group was allowed to become a threat because the Biden administration did nothing about it.”


Trump Escalates Rhetoric, Threatens Iran Over Yemen Attacks

Despite previously campaigning on a platform of “peace,” President Donald Trump has drawn public outrage after launching attacks on Yemen, raising fears of deeper U.S. involvement in another conflict in West Asia.


In a statement released Monday night, Trump issued a stern warning: “From this moment on, any attack from Yemen will be considered an attack from Iran. Iran will face serious consequences.”


Trump further claimed, “Make no mistake! The Houthis, who are despised by the people of Yemen, have carried out hundreds of attacks. All of them originate from and are orchestrated by Iran.”


However, his assertion that the Houthis lack popular support contradicts recent developments. On Monday, millions of Yemenis took to the streets in a massive rally in Sana’a to voice support for the country’s anti-American and anti-Israeli policies.


In his statement, Trump, appearing frustrated over the lack of success in his Yemen campaign, warned: “Any further attacks or retaliation by the Houthis will be met with overwhelming force, and there is no guarantee that our response will stop there.”