Amirkabir University Innovates Surgical Assistant Robot
WANA (Sep 03) – A technology company at Amirkabir University has developed a surgical assistant robot to enhance medical performance and is currently undergoing commercialization.
This advanced robot features a mechanical arm designed to assist surgeons in the operating room. Equipped with a camera, magnet, and voice recognition system, the robot identifies and provides the required surgical tools upon hearing their names from the surgeon, with no limitations on the number of tools available.
The robot uses an inverse kinematic mechanism; its camera scans the x, y, and z axes to locate the centre of each tool, while its magnet-equipped arm precisely handles and delivers the tools to the surgeon.
The robot is also suitable for use in dental practices due to its integrated endoscopic camera.
Mohammad Javad Haghi, the manager of the technology company, expresses that extensive research on global patent databases shows no similar existing technology, highlighting the innovation and novelty of this idea.
He says that the company’s primary goal is to establish a fully smart and robotic hospital in Iran and is committed to pursuing this objective.