Israel is behind terrorist attacks in Iran
WANA (Dec 16) On the morning of Friday, December 15, the terrorist group known as “Jeish al-Adl” attacked a military base in Rask City, located in Sistan and Baluchistan province. In this attack, 11 military personnel were killed, and 6 others were injured.
The Iranian police threatened to deal with the perpetrators of this incident most hard and said that the people who participated in this attack consider themselves “the walking dead.”
The President of Iran and the Head of the Judiciary ordered a serious investigation into this incident.
Interior Minister of Iran, Ahmed Vahidi. Social Media / WANA News Agency
Vahidi, the Minister of Interior of Iran, believes that Israel is involved in this attack. “Terrorist groups that seek to disrupt the peace, security, and unity of the people of Sistan and Baluchistan province are supported by the Zionist regime.”
The lack of strict control of the common borders between Iran and Pakistan is one of Iran’s constant complaints against the Islamabad government. According to the statement of Iran’s interior minister, terrorists have entered Iran from Pakistan’s border this time.
“We expect that our neighboring countries will also be more careful about border control because it has become clear that terrorist groups have come from the other side of the border.” Iran’s interior minister said.
Some experts believe that Israel can be behind any terrorist and subversive event in Iran to make up for its failures in the Gaza war to divert attention from the Palestinian issue and also to take revenge on Iran as the leading supporter of the people of Gaza and the Palestinians.
Molavi Abdolhamid, Iran’s Sunni Cleric – Social Media / WANA News Agency
Inside Iran, supporters of the government consider the role and political actions of the Sunni religious leader, Abdul Hamid Molavi, as more destructive and bolder than Israel’s role in any bitter event in that region of Iran, and they pressure the government to put him on trial.
The victims of the terrorist attack in Rask city were buried today.
The funeral of the victims of the terrorist attack on the military headquarters in the city of Rask. social media / WANA News Agency