WANA (July 10)Masoud Pezeshkian, the elected President of Iran, addressed the Arab nations and governments in an exclusive note for the trans-regional newspaper “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed,” emphasizing his commitment to constructive dialogue and strengthening regional cooperation.


The full text of Masoud Pezeshkian’s exclusive note for “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” is as follows:


Now that I have been entrusted with the responsibility of the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the people’s vote, at the beginning of this path, I wish to speak with my brothers, sisters, and neighbors in the region.


Together, we must take steps toward constructive dialogue and strengthening cooperation and solidarity among the nations and governments of the area.


The eternal teachings of the Quran: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided” and “And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression,” along with the noble sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “Fear Allah regarding your neighbors” and Imam Ali (AS): “Ask about your neighbor before your house,” guide us.


We live in a shared geography, and to achieve the blessed life that is the ideal of Islam and all heavenly religions, we must join hands and rely on the power of logic instead of the logic of power.


Leveraging the elements of national power, primarily the support of our peoples and the living forces of the Islamic nation, will lay the foundation for a robust regional structure.


Suppose we do not achieve cohesion in the region and fail to cooperate for a bright future. In that case, proper utilization of divine blessings, exceptional geopolitical position, and separate plans for advancing the region’s countries will not be seriously successful.


The deep, constructive, and purposeful dialogue aimed at regional cohesion and cooperation in various fields is the only way for us to overcome existing challenges and turbulences, create lasting stability and security, and allow the region’s people to benefit from their resources and wealth.


At the beginning of my tenure, I extend the hand of friendship and brotherhood to all neighbors and regional countries to achieve this goal and move seriously and realistically toward cooperation.


Iran and its Arab and Muslim neighbors share many international and regional views and interests. We all oppose the monopolization of global decision-making by a few specific powers.


We all oppose dividing the world and polarizing it based on the interests of major powers.


We all desire the acceptance of cultural diversity, the elimination of discrimination, and respect for the religious values of Muslims in other societies and international legal institutions.


We all share responsibility and interest in overcoming Islamophobia.


The old wound of the occupation of Palestine and its resolution is a concern for all of us. The Islamic Republic of Iran, respecting the legendary resistance of the Palestinian people and their resilience in Gaza against the savage onslaught of the Zionist regime, believes that to establish peace and stability in the region, the full right of the Palestinian people to resist for their liberation and to secure their natural and apparent rights, particularly independence and self-determination, must be recognized.


We should assist this nation to end the occupation, racial discrimination, genocide, and state terrorism by the occupying Zionist regime.


Terrorism and extremism are our shared pains, and their fundamental treatment requires cooperation. Military confrontations in the region must end based on justice and the legitimate rights of nations, and internal crises must be resolved peacefully.


The continuation of crises and internal contradictions only benefits the occupying Israeli regime and foreign powers.


The region’s people deserve economic development and social welfare, and governments must assist each other in progress. Iran is ready to participate in economic growth.