WANA (Sep 03) – Following the publication of a post on social media by the Australian Embassy in Tehran, which conveyed congratulations in Persian for a day dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ rights, Ian McConville, the Australian Ambassador, was summoned today, September 3rd, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Director of the Regional Department.


The Director of the Regional Department of Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly protested the embassy’s action in publishing such “norm-breaking” content, condemning it harshly. He stated: “The post by the Australian Embassy is offensive and contrary to Iranian and Islamic customs and culture. It must be appropriately addressed, and such incidents should be strictly avoided in the future. Additionally, this action by the embassy is in violation of international law and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which requires diplomatic missions to respect the laws and regulations of the host country.”


The Director also noted that the history of Iran’s foreign relations demonstrates the high sensitivity of public opinion and their reactions to such norm-breaking behaviors.


The Australian Ambassador emphasized that the embassy did not intend to insult the Iranian people and their values, adding that the post did not specifically mention Iran. He stated that he would relay the concerns and position of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Canberra.