WANA (May 11) – Based on Iran and Ireland’s relationship,  Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Irish counterpart, “Michael Martin,” had a telephone conversation.


Hossein Amir Abdollahian, in this telephone conversation, pointed to the various fields of cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Ireland. He also emphasized the need to take advantage of the opportunities available in the two countries interests.


Referring to the action of the European and recently Swedish Parliament naming the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran strongly condemned the statement of the Swedish Parliament statement.


“The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a sovereign body responsible for guarding the country’s national and border security, and it has the most significant role in the fight against terrorism in the region.” Amir Abollahian added.

“The incitement of the terrorist and outcast elements of the Iranian nation carried out this action.” The foreign minister of Iran expressed.


Michael Martin, the Irish Secretary of State, as well appreciated the humanitarian decision of the Islamic Republic of Iran to release an Irish citizen.


He also emphasized his country’s will to cooperate with Tehran. “Ireland is never interested in a misjudgment about the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. We are aware of Iran’s role in the fight against terrorism.” Michael Martin said.


Michael Martin appreciated Iran’s cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and efforts to cancel the sanctions and added: “His country welcomes this process.” Irish minister of foreign affairs expressed. He also invited the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran to visit Ireland and asserted his hope to visit Tehran soon.